Jim “UFO Jim” Ledwith brings his annual UFO lecture series to the Sonoma Community Center this fall in mid-October, benefitting the non profit community center. Here are the details on each lecture:
The Conditioning
Are Our Children Being Prepared for ET Contact?
- UFO Jim quotes
- Hear UFO Jim’s story
- Learn if our chldren are being prepared for ET contact
- UFO Jim’s Close Encounter Classification System
October 12
7:30 – 9 pm
Doors open 7 pm
Come early to save your seat!
Close Encounters
of the 5th Kind
- Why the UFO/ET secrecy?
- Accepting the unacceptable
- Dr. David Jacobs and his contact/UFO research
- Review Dr. Hynek’s UFO classification system
- See on Project Serpo film real extraterrestrials sitting, standing, and walking around in the opinion of UFO Jim
- Planet Serpo and Steven Spielberg
October 19
7:30 – 9 pm
Doors open 7 pm
Come early to save your seat!
$10 Admission
100% of proceeds to benefit the non-profit SCC
Sonoma Community Center
276 E. Napa Street, Rm. 110
Sonoma, California
(707) 938-4626